New boy on the block


New boy on the block

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    Phil Hadnutt

      Hi I am building scratch built trawler and have just joined the forum as i need a bit of help I used to build models a few years back but can't remember wiring that's where the problem lies what battery's go with what, I have bought some bits (not sure if they are right with each other ), I have bought some motors from howes models I think they are two johnson 540 motors but not sure what battery's to use, also I bought radio control micro zone 8 channel .

      What do I do about speed controllers do I need two or will one do, i want to run one right hand and one left hand screws

      I am Going to have lights and a small pump just for show unless I need one

      Are there any clubs near me spalding/Boston area as I am looking to join one

      Are there any boating lakes in the area look forward to any answers cheers Phil

      Phil Hadnutt

        Help with wiring

        Colin Bishop

          Hi Phil,

          Welcome to the forum. How big is your model, does it have a name?

          Have a read of this artice for the basics:


          The link below gives examples of wiring setups using Action Electronics products but the principles apply to other manufacturers:


          Several of the above are twin screw models using the same sort of setup as you need,

          If you explained what you are doing to Howes then they should have sold you low drain 540 motors suitable for scale models.

          Have a read of the obove links and then come back to us with more questions, you will find the answers more useful that way.


          Richard Simpson

            Colin, could you please post a link to the article in the June 2022 edition entitled 'Controlling Two Shafts'? That gives a simplified overview of the options.

            Colin Bishop

              I'm not aware of an independent link to the article Richard mentions but it can be found in the June 2022 issue as he says.

              I have found an earlier thread on the subject:


              The Action Electronics P94 incorporates two speed controllers and a mixer (I've got one im the paddle steamer I'm building). The unit is apparently out of stock at the moment but you can read the data sheet PDF on the link below which explains how it works.




                There is a club I belong to in Boston, the members have interests in all aspects of RC model boating.

                However, I do believe there is a waiting list, as the club does restrict the number of members on the books at any one time (afaik).

                There is no harm in contacting the club, as members come & go & we are currently taking renewals , so it's possible there may be vacancies.

                Boston Model Bat Club

                ashley needham

                  Kev…do you sail mostly at night, then?. Ashley

                  Richard Simpson
                    Posted by Kev.W on 01/11/2022 20:31:04:

                    There is a club I belong to in Boston, the members have interests in all aspects of RC model boating.

                    However, I do believe there is a waiting list, as the club does restrict the number of members on the books at any one time (afaik).

                    There is no harm in contacting the club, as members come & go & we are currently taking renewals , so it's possible there may be vacancies.

                    Boston Model Bat Club



                    I take it that means you can't just turn up with a boat and be allowed to have a go?

                    Edited By Richard Simpson on 02/11/2022 09:53:30


                      Ashley, that's how the link feature works on this site, thankfully I had no part in it's making, so cannot be blamed.

                        Posted by Richard Simpson on 02/11/2022 09:53:23:

                        Posted by Kev.W on 01/11/2022 20:31:04:

                        I take it that means you can't just turn up with a boat and be allowed to have a go?

                        Edited By Richard Simpson on 02/11/2022 09:53:30

                        They have a policy of allowing non members to turn up (on Wed & Sun) & pay a visitor day rate (£2 asfaik),

                        Phil Hadnutt

                          Hi guys hope you are all well I have been in touch with Boston model club and with turn soon with my list of questions maybe meet you there phil

                          John W E

                            hi ya Phil

                            Can you tell us what type of trawler you are building? Are you building your model from a plan?

                            Are you using a fibre glass hull or a pre-made one?

                            If you let us have this insight information – it may be easier to help you – instead of going off on a tangent.


                            Phil Hadnutt

                              Hi John w e

                              It is a deep sea trawler it is scratch built from a picture from wood it is coming on I am pleased the bit I am not sure about is radio and wiring I have bought what I think I want ,I am building on a budget I want to put extra bits on like lights

                              Thanks for reply


                              ashley needham

                                Hi Phil. Can you tell us what bits you have purchased please so we can ascertain as to whether they will do.


                                Dave Cooper 6

                                  Hi Phil,

                                  Just wondering why you want opposite-direction prop's ?

                                  Are you expecting a massive torque reaction from a conventional set-up ? I would have thought a trawler would be more 'slow speed' and, would, perhaps, probably benefit from independent motor control instead…..small harbours etc.

                                  Just a thought, happy modelling,


                                  Phil Hadnutt

                                    Hi everyone

                                    Well finally went along to Boston club they all are very welcoming and I had a great day, a mix of boats very good set up .

                                    Nice to meet everyone



                                    ashley needham

                                      Phil. I am glad you had a nice time. Did you find out what you wanted to know? We have been asking you questions regarding your setup which you have not been answering.


                                      Phil Hadnutt

                                        Hi Ashley

                                        Yes phil and jay were very informative hopefully get sorted now ,some very knowledgeable people ,Nigel explained about the club I have put my name down to join.



                                        Phil Hadnutt


                                          my boat is my impression of a trawler I saw scratch built no plans hopefully it should look ok ha ha ,

                                          It has twin props and two 540 johnson motors ,got no idea what it will float like.

                                          Cheers phil

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