Kimo.. not sure how to reply to that one !!
Larry. Very frustrating, that. At least it went well for 60 secs, It
would have been worse if it had NOT gone well for 60 secs and then shed a
prop !!!
There was a bit of a thread a while ago about what was carried to the pond in the way of tools etc, and I posted a picture of my toolbox. There is rather a lot in it, tools, spares..couplings,connectors, props,air usually stays in the car and I would rather take it than not as you never know…the object you leave at home is bound to be the one you want at the pond side.
Mostly it gets used to fix other chaps boats or try other props out on new builds/projects.
I think that despite having prepared a boat to the n`th degree, you cannot forsee the unforseen.
Ashley. Master of the blinkin` obvious (censored, not the b word I would normally use here)