TYNE Class Lifeboat build


TYNE Class Lifeboat build

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    neil hp

      An easy job for me this afternoon, as i was looking through all the fittings i have made over the months and getting some ready for spray painting.

      And the onlyone i can see that needs any work on so far is the radar motor box, and some locking screws which i'll have to make from brass wire and plastic tube eventually, but need to count up for those.

      the rest just needed cleaning up, and with the case of the stanchions and support brackets, putting markings on them for port and starboard sets.

      so the two boxes full in last shot can all be readied for spraying in the next day or so.





      neil hp

        Just taken me two hours and a drilled leg, [when i dropped my still drilling drill] on to my thigh to dry fit all of these stanchions to the deck, and looking at it in triumph at them, wondered what was missing……..i've forgotton to dry fit the two stern stanchions.

        oh well, onwards and upwards.!

        i also found the spare set of cast stainless steel fittings for mounting the guard rails'ropes to the stanchions, that came with my rigging kit on the shannon i built 2.5 years ago………so am going to use those, as similar to a Tynes safety lines……………waste not want not.





        neil hp

          and without further incedent of self mutilation, i have added the missing two stern stanchions



          Edited By neil howard-pritchard on 25/08/2021 13:35:27

          neil hp

            fitted the bow 3 legged stanchions and made them fast.

            then i sprayed firstly with filler primer and then black or grey respectively the main set of stanchions from last night and the main whip areals and supports. and put them away as a "last minute" fitting to prevent any damage to them .

            this morning it was time to place all of the other small fittings that had been made over the past twelve months before putting the model in "dusty storage" for the proceeding year whilst i built another model.

            these have now been sprayed with filler primer, and will then be sprayed their respective colours afer lunch…..then left to dry for the afternoon.

            Hopfully i shall fit them all tomorrow, And once that has been done, it will just leave about a dozen small pieces that will require hand painting with odds ansd sods of Humbrol paints, before fitting the stanchions and finally the flying bridge grating and main whip areals.

            "And that", as one says…"will be that"





            Edited By neil howard-pritchard on 26/08/2021 12:02:11

            Paul T

              Hi Neil

              Drilling your leg…welcome to the very exclusive club of drilling co-k ups, with a cobalt bit in a pillar drill I once succeeded in drilling through my finger and then had to extract said digit from the the bit before it hit the chuck.

              Happy days thumbs down


              neil hp

                Hi Paul,

                my usual trick is reaching over for something when i have my silver soldering kit out and putting my hand or arm in front of the torch flame……..it hurts lol………but never learn lol.

                Paul T

                  Hi Neil

                  We could start a new thread to cover injuries and stupidity, have you ever had arc eye?


                  neil hp
                    Posted by Paul T on 27/08/2021 13:09:50:

                    Hi Neil

                    We could start a new thread to cover injuries and stupidity, have you ever had arc eye?


                    oh yes, when i was a young lad of 18 working as a trainee building surveyor…….was posted to a new rubber chemicals plant on the I.C.I. site at fleetwood…….lunch times i'd go for a wonder, and one day came across a chap electric arch/mig welding soething……..

                    as a young lad didn't realise just why these welders wor a full mask……..thought it was purely to fight off the sparking……..but boy oh boy did i okow about it by tea time……..how i rode my motorcycle home i have no idea,…………..but my god it hurt…………..never did that again.learned the hard way.

                    neil hp

                      Had a good look through all my fittings and am [ or was ] confident that I had painted them all in either top or undercoat, and that would have been painting and fabricating over, with just the job of putting the fittings on to the boat…..but………

                      Then I realised that I hadn't attached the lifering holders to the stanchions, AND ……I hadn't made any hatch clamps

                      And so after sitting and thinking for a few minutes what to use…..two diameters of plastic tubing , some strip plastic and some 1mm copper coated wire, plus my drill fitted with a 1mm bit I set too.

                      Two and a half hours later, sanded nails and aching fingures…..and I had 5 pairs of clamps………..and the back plates for the lifering holders made and fitted.

                      Just have to paint the clamps now ready for fitting once dry.





                      neil hp

                        This evening I finished colouring the whip areals.

                        I painted the none slip on the aft cabin top and the top panels of the air bags satin black,

                        And then I painted and labelled the Fire flaps. They slide into the vents if there is a fire on board.

                        This information was given to me by my friend Rob Baines who was a crew man on our old Tyne class lifeboat.

                        I had no idea as to what they were when I made them and put them on to the aft cabin.





                        neil hp

                          Fitted a good few fiddly bits today, including:

                          front cabin loud hailer

                          fascening eye's,

                          windscreen washer jets,

                          windscreen motor boxes,wiper arms/wiper blades,

                          capin top spotlights,

                          dish antenna,

                          DF loop windscreen rests and "glazed the windscreen and fitted it,

                          dry fitted the new geared motor into the radar housing and painted 2 spring fairlieds and fitted them on to thir mounts……

                          time for my tea, and a beer.

                          all fidly bits that needed time to adjust and fit, but now done.jobs done, all fidly bits but progress made






                          neil hp

                            MARCHING ON with fitting out.

                            made two boat hooks this afternoon from 4mm dia. wooden dowel and small pieces of bent brass wire…..to be painted later.

                            then cut a hole into the radar platform for the bottom part of the motor to fit in to, placed the radat box over it, and as thought, can hardly see the motor intruding below the platform…….brilliant. just have to find my 15 watt electric soldering iron now to solder some electrical wiring on to the motor terminals.






                            neil hp

                              Tonight I painted the boat hooks and fitted them. then painted and fitted the white deck light covers.

                              finally I fitted the base to the radar motor housing, from plasticard, painted and fitted it to the radar mast, placed the geared motor into it, and dry fitted the radar scanner, but had forgotten to bring in from the workshop, the radar housing top…..so when I go for a cold beer from the car I'll pick up the top and see if it fits properly without adjustment.

                              just been out for the top of the radar motor………i love it when a plan comes together.







                                I've never studied these tiny geared motors before. Most impressive. I'm not surprised though, Everything you construct is impressive Neil. Of course, that's not to suggest that others don't produce small wonders too, in their own sphere.


                                neil hp

                                  believe me, George, i didn't construct that geared motor……..came as is, bought on ebay for about 5 quid…………a bargain. my fingures are not nimble enough to build those gears,

                                  but thanks for the compliment.

                                  Tim Cooper


                                    I have used a number of those small geared motors. CMB sell them. I have also bought a number from China via Amazon. Can take a few weeks to arrive. On my OSA Missile Boat I used one for each of the radar that rotate, connected to a small speed controller which can be set using a knob on the unit.

                                    Have a browse on Amazon.


                                    neil hp

                                      that motor gear box assembly was from these guys.

                                      i ordered it after 18.00 one evening and it arived 2 days later before 13.00 hours……..you cant get better service than that!

                                      Micro Gear Box Geared Electric Motor Speed Reduction DC 3v 6v 12v GA12-N20 | eBay

                                      neil hp

                                        A slight bit of bad planning on my part.

                                        I have come to a stage where I am going to have to thread the wiring for the lights and radar down the main mast legs and into the superstructure.

                                        However I never thought of this before I fixed the mast in place and the places where I want to drill are in very tight spots, and if I use a normal length drill bit I have a fear that I might hit the already made parts that I dont want to have to repaint or replace.

                                        Then I remembered that some years ago I soldered a 3mm bit into a 3.2mm brass tube as I had to drill an inaccessable place from the inside of one of my large lifeboats……and still have it……..

                                        Found it, and am now fixed to drill for the wiring.

                                        neil hp

                                          i was today going to wire in and fix all the navigation lights and radar, but when i came to add the heat shrink to the wiring, i had none…………used it on the last model, so had to buy some on ebay.

                                          so turned my hand to the deck fittings……….was going fine with those until i ran out of my oderless super glue…………and so got as far as i could, and cannot go further than it stands at the moment without those two ingredients….so none smelly superglue at 10 quid a bottle has also been ordered.all should be here by friday, but leaves very little time to get me to the model lifeboat regatta at New Brighton on sunday……..oh well, c'este la vie.









                                            "William Street" looks superb Neil. Watch out for that white shelf in the background though. It looks like it's ready to dump it's load onto the STBD deck.


                                            neil hp

                                              watching carefully George……hopefully it won't fall befor the weekend by which time the model will be finished and safely indoors.

                                              neil hp

                                                my odourless superglue and my heatshrink arrived today so that could finish off the model, but lost 3 hours this morning after an early start, as i fealt rough as a bears ass…a head ache, stinging sinuses and my tinitus playing up badly due to a combination of both the after effects of the locktite cyano and the high pressure of the atmosphere…….so lay down on the couch with my little pug, and we soon nodded off…….3 hours down the pan…….ohh well……..

                                                so this afternoon set too fitting the lights in the radar mast, and the upper mast, and then i fit the radar motor into the housing.

                                                Because the motor and gear box is a "big lump" compared with other working items i am fitting i didn't want to glue it in. As such, i stuck it in by wedging it into the hole created with bluetack…….it has amazing sticking power to be honest……..i have stuck down radio gear and motors into boats before now [ slow revving ones ] with failproof results!

                                                So now the upper mast is ready for a respray in white having stuck the LED's in and wired them to the mast, thus blending the black heat shrink in to the mast, and once dry i'll refit the mast and then route the wired down into the instrument panel and touch up the lower wires with satin black paint…….






                                                Richard Simpson

                                                  Very neat Neil that mini motor works superbly. I don't think I've ever seen a gearbox that small.

                                                  I fully agree with Blu Tac, especially for radio gear that you might want to frequently remove. If you need a firmer grip but still want the flexibility of easy removal there is also Black Tac, which is stronger and just as versatile. The model railway lads use it to hold electronic components inside locomotives such as the decoders and capacitor banks for the "Stay Alive" function.

                                                  neil hp

                                                    I've never heard of black tac Richard.

                                                    i'll ebay search for it now. cheers.

                                                    neil hp

                                                      Working late tonight as I have to take my daughter to the station for an early 04.45 train to London and so thought I would get the majority of my model complete tonight, so that I can spend Friday and saturday on the stanchions and guard rails hopefully ready for New Brighton lifeboat regatta on sunday.

                                                      So I have done the main mast wiring and fitting of the nav lights and am just about to attach the areals permanently to the cabin.
                                                      i will post photos of it later.

                                                      I DO have to fit lights into the two spot lamps and the 4 deck lights but have had to order some LED's with soldered resistors on the wiring, but those can be fitted later.

                                                      and now that the fore cabin is practically finished…

                                                      i have turned to the aft survivers cabin.
                                                      fitted the securing strap strap on to the liferaft housing, and glued the all round rear lamp into the lamp holder with shield behind it and will put an LED into the holder once the cyano has set.





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