TEV Wahine 1/35 Build


TEV Wahine 1/35 Build

Home Forums Scratch build TEV Wahine 1/35 Build

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  • #98652
    Richard Simpson

      This is turning into quite a stunning build. The joints are looking superb and the sheer perfection of the incredibly complex frames and structures are incredible.

      Mind you the next purchase is going to be a large van to carry it around in!

      Richard H Dunn

        This build has progressed and is now being plated and windows made and fitted but moved from this site mid last year due to inactivity and lack of help when questions are asked, apart from Richard Simpson.
        Sorry guys but it's not worth my time to update if I have questions and don't get any help.. after all that was the whole point in me doing this.

        There is no point in me updating 2 posts.

        It seems to have stopped since Covid hit.

        Richard Simpson

          That's a shame, I was enjoying watching this developing.

          Ray Wood 3

            Hi Richard,

            I will second Mr Simpson's comment, It's been a traumatic 7 year thread for us all , but I for one enjoy your fine workmanship, I think your post from almost a year ago P30 27/5/21 sums it up. Keep us posted.

            Regards Ray

            Bob Wilson

              I know exactly how you feel Richard – face 24

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