Toggle switches for RC sets


Toggle switches for RC sets

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    Tim Cooper

      Has anyone had to replace a toggle switch on a RC radio?

      Whilst doing some tests on my Italieri S100 yesterday I caught the RC set and it ended on the hard wooden floor. Normally I would put it back in it's foam lined case!

      I have knocked the levers or are they the toggles off 2 switches. One was an on / off , the other a on / off / on.

      Having a quick look they look like miniature toggle switches.

      The set is a Radiolink AT 9.



      Tim Cooper
        Keith Long


          Pound to a penny they'll be standard miniature toggle switches, available from most electronics suppliers. You are very unlikely to be able to replace the actual lever or toggle, just replace the entire switch. They should only cost about £1 each, the post and packing is likely to cost more.


          Richard Simpson

            Have a look through the RS Components Web Site. They have a fairly comprehensive stock list.  You will need to identify the number of poles as well as the throws:

            RS Components Toggle Switches


            Are you OK with SPDT, DPDT etc.. etc..?



            Edited By Richard Simpson on 19/07/2021 12:23:51

            Colin Bishop

              Good selection on Component Shop too and a lot cheaper!



              Tim Cooper


                Yes, Colin I was going to say I had seen some at Component Shop. I do need to order something else so that might be where I go.

                Richard , think I'm ok with nomenclature but I will take the back off again to double check I know what to order.



                Tim Cooper

                  Looking inside the Radio, the first broken switch was an off – on and has the red and white wires on adjacent contacts., 3 contacts . It stayed in position so I think that makes it latching and single pole?

                  The second had 3 positions on-off- on, 3 contacts on the back.white and red with black in the middle ( I think). Latching again. I assume that's still single pole.? Would double pole have 6 contacts on the back?


                  Malcolm Frary

                    3 contacts makes for a single pole switching between two outlets. The difference between the two is that one is mechanically arranged to have two positions, the other, three.

                    Rich Griff 2

                      Why not try Perkins who are the distributor for radio link…


                        Rich has a a valid point, sometimes (but not often), the origin can be the cheaper option.

                        What I've found, (especially since the "Covid" thing,) is there can be a big difference in Postage or Delivery times, that have to be considered.


                        Edited By Kev.W on 02/08/2021 16:36:11

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