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  • #102701
    Phil Hadnutt

      Hi when I try to sign in I keep getting a message telling me if am a subscriber I signed in on a member site and I need to change my password

      What is going on, how can change it.

      Phil Hadnutt


        Colin Bishop

          Not sure what you mean Phil – presumably you are still able to sign in or you couldn't have posted. I can reset yor password if you want.

          You can change your password by going to your account settings.


          Phil Hadnutt

            subscription management website. If your username and password are not recognised, please check that you have received a validation email from

            This driving me nuts it keeps sending me round in circles it tells me that I have used a management company to join up it must be something to do with the fact I have subscribed to the magazine.

            I tried to do a screen shot but only got part it above it keeps asking to change my password,this it did it three times before I got on !!!.

            Colin Bishop

              Hi Phil,

              There is no subscription number for you registered on this website. There may be a broken link with the separate subscription system. I don't think this is something I can sort out so I am passing it on to the IT people but you'll need to wait until Monday. It could be something to do with your email address appearing on both systems.



              Edited By Colin Bishop on 05/11/2022 11:37:17

              Darren Hendley

                Hi Phil

                Happy to help you out, but I'm not sure exactly what's going wrong for you. Can you PM me the URL you are trying to log in at, as well as your email address and postcode



                Chris E


                  I sent you a private message on a different matter a week or so ago. Did you get it?

                  Phil Hadnutt

                    No Darren I don't seem to got

                    I have been having trouble signing in on hear

                    Cheers phil

                    Phil Hadnutt

                      Hi Darren

                      Not really much of a computer person so not sure what you mean URL

                      sorry about


                      Chris E
                        Posted by Phil Hadnutt on 07/11/2022 17:08:55:

                        Hi Darren

                        Not really much of a computer person so not sure what you mean URL

                        sorry about


                        URL is the web site address that you type in or link to when you try to sign in & should be the web page where you are having problems.

                        Colin Bishop

                          As Chris says, how do you sign in? Is it on this website?

                          And where did you buy your subscription from?



                          Edited By Colin Bishop on 07/11/2022 18:46:35

                          Phil Hadnutt

                            Ah right I subscribed to the magazine that allowed to get on this web site I thought was all there was to it.

                            So somehow it still knows my email but keeps telling me to change my password ,but it then lets me on



                            Colin Bishop

                              Sorry Phil, but you are still not very clear. Did you buy your subscription on this website or from somewhere else?

                              It is possible to register on the forum without a subscription but MyTimeMedia allowed subscriptions to be purchased via other websites. If you had bought your subscription on this site there would be a reference number for it and there isn't one. So somehow the link has not been made which may be the root of the problem.


                              Phil Hadnutt

                                Hi can you not just delete my account,and I will start again.



                                Phil Hadnutt


                                  I must bought somewhere else that could be the answer because it keeps telling me that i have signed using another company sorry if this is causing grief I did not realize it was different

                                  Cheers phil

                                  Colin Bishop

                                    If you use the same email address it is likely that the problem will still be there. Don't you have a record of who you paid the money to? If you have a print subscription there should be a reference on the packaging.when it comes through the letterbox.


                                    Phil Hadnutt

                                      Hi it was Morton's Webb site customer no. ,xxxxxx

                                      (I have noted the number – Colin)

                                      Edited By Colin Bishop on 08/11/2022 13:56:15

                                      Colin Bishop

                                        OK, I'll pass that on.


                                        Phil Hadnutt

                                          Hi darren

                                          You never said what the message was about you can email me on xxxxxxxxxx if you want

                                          Cheers phil

                                          Edited By Darren Hendley 1 on 09/11/2022 09:05:02

                                          Chris E


                                            I do hope that you get this sorted out.

                                            Might I suggest that you read up on computer security. Posting email addresses and things like customer numbers on an open forum is not a good idea. If you need to send that information a private message and a post telling the recipient that you have sent one might be a much better idea

                                            Darren Hendley

                                              I've just emailed you Phil – and removed your email address from the post above.

                                              Phil Hadnutt

                                                Hi Darren I am still having the same problems nothing has been fixed.

                                                Cheers phil

                                                Darren Hendley
                                                  Posted by Phil Hadnutt on 11/11/2022 22:09:19:

                                                  Hi Darren I am still having the same problems nothing has been fixed.

                                                  Cheers phil

                                                  I've just sent you another email Phil

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