Identification of this type


Identification of this type

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  • #32493
    Marcus Black
      Hi Everyone
      I just discovered this forum and for a long time been wanting to embark on some boat modelling (Static display mostly) Ive always built aircraft etc but never model boats..
      Im a total noob with boats on all levels so really starting at the begining but I was wondering if anyone could tell me what type of boat this is?

      Marcus Black
        neil hp
          not to put too fine a point on it, Marcus….it’s really a “Decorators Lot”.
          usually produced in their masses by the chinese at pennies and sold in gift shops all around the world.
          it looks like a “barque” but the only close proximity is that it has the same number of masts and square rigged apart from the rear fore/aft sail.
          If you are looking at that type of vessel to build,( a sailing vessel) google kits from Amati, Jotika/caldercraft, and others that members will recommend to you…but then you will see the difference between the picture above and a true scale sailing vessel.
          Marcus Black
            Hi Neil
            Thanks! and thanks for the additional info.. something for me to peruse this evening. and yeah I can understand that, I picked this one up for £30 and I thought as it’s my very first venture into boats and working with wood/scratch building etc it would give me a kind of a base to work with, and Probably best to try something more basic and at the least expensive end of the scale just to get a feel for it really and to see if I will get the bug (which hopefully I will). Even if it just ends up as some kind of hypbrid should give me an idea and a better feel for it.
            There’s soo many amazing looking kits.. and the more expensive ones looks superb, though somewhat daunting.. but I can totally understand what you mean.
            At least now I know what type of vesssel it is, so I can do a bit of research and gain some idea of what extras I could add (learn to make etc) to it..
            Thank You I’m off to check out those kit makers you suggested now
            Marcus Black
              Eek, I didn’t realise it would print all those smilies.
              and Yeah, now I know what type it is I just googled and it’s certainly looking more like that type so I can get started deciding what to add to it, and gathering all the info, I expect I will be spending a lot of time in here.
              Thank You!..
              neil hp
                you are welcome marcus…….there is nothing to prevent you from using that model indeed and improving it and making it into a model stamped with your own work…it has a good basis for you to detail it in a way that you want..and with some research on the net or at the local library, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you have indeed brought a basic model “to life” with your own modelling skills…..and thereis no finer buz than standing back and saying……”I made that”
                good luck, and keep us informed on your progress.
                Bob Wilson
                  As it has three masts with square sails on each of them, it is a full-rigged ship. But as Neil has said, only decorative and not very accurate at all. This is a three-masted barque. Square sails on fore and main masts and only fore-and-aft ones on the mizzen.   Click on the picture to enlarge!

                  Edited By Bob Wilson on 21/11/2011 07:07:23

                  Marcus Black
                    Thanks Neil, and indeed it’s a good way if anything just to get my feet wet (exscuse the pun) and try my hand at working with wood instead of plastic, then it doesnt matter so much if I make huge mistakes etc, or it turns into a bit of a disaster (not that im expecting that).. soo.. I will take pics of my final result, then like you said, at least I will have a before and after and a better feel for it.
                    amd Hi Bob
                    And wow.. I’m not sure if you made that? but it looks awesome.. to me I know a model is good when I look into it and my imagine sort of takes me there, Im on the deck so to speak. I do like the look of these types of vessels..(not sure if they are) but they look pretty fast too
                    I love the water on the model. Very realistic. Thanks for sharing and for the info.
                    Bob Wilson
                      Hi Marcus,
                      Thanks. Yes, I did make it. It took 44 hours, spread over 20 days. Completely hand-made and the most expensive items were the glue and the acrylic for the display case. The sea is made from plasticine & then painted. Ships like this weren’t very fast at all. They could really move if the wind was right, 16 or 17 knots. But the wind wasn’t right for most of the time, so the voyage averages were usually 4 or 5 knots and that is why they became obsolete. They couldn’t compete with steamers that could plod along at 8 knots week in, week out regardless of the direction of the wind!
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