From the Sea to the Land and Beyond


From the Sea to the Land and Beyond

Home Forums Full Size Ships From the Sea to the Land and Beyond

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  • #37814
    Colin Bishop

      Those of you with access to the BBC IPlayer should check out this extraordinary BBC4 documentary which is a compilation of film coverage from Edwardian times until the latter part of the 20th Century loosely based on the British Coast. There is no commentary, just a haunting sound track from 'British Sea Power'. I found it absolutely fascinating, there are some wonderful shots of old time ships and the people who made and crewed them.


       (Sorry, can't get the link to display as 'link'! Seems to be something to do with the spaces in the URL – worth a look anyway!)

      Definitely recommended.



      Edited By Colin Bishop, Website Editor on 24/11/2012 20:48:31

      Edited By Colin Bishop, Website Editor on 24/11/2012 20:54:24

      Edited By Katy Purvis on 28/11/2012 07:58:07

      Colin Bishop

        BBC Documentary

        Bob Abell 2

          My My Colin….You're active today

          Alas, we can't read your post…..It's covered by the adverts

          Senior Monent or what?…………lol


          Colin Bishop

            Yes it's annoying, don't know what has happened but just click on the link and

            see if you like it.


            Edited By Colin Bishop, Website Editor on 24/11/2012 21:04:36

            Bob Abell 2

              Thank you, Colin

              I saw this last week?…What it was about, I can't recall!

              The sea is Indeed a dangerous place!…….Not my cup o' tea!

              I admire the ancient mariners, like Capt Cook, Raleigh and similar

              I was offered a trip in a Lifeboat this week and have to turn it down!….Far too dangerous for the likes of lil' old' me!

              Chicken Bob

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